First Holy Communion

If your child is preparing for First Holy Communion next Spring, 2025 this will be the most important year of his or her entire life!  (Generally, students ages 7-8 years old are ready for First Holy Communion– So, here at St. Mary’s you can assess your child’s rediness when he or she is getting ready to begin 2nd grade!)

The preparation and reception of all Sacraments has always been the responsibility of the parish you attend Mass.

It has always been the policy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore to have students who attend Catholic school, or a Catholic home school program, to ALSO participate in the sacramental preparation program of the parish during years when they are preparing for a sacrament. This is an entirely separate process from CCD and regular Faith formation.

Everyone also needs to be registered. Receiving sacraments is all about readiness, not just an age. So, if you feel your child is ready to receive, please contact the parish office.

Questions about First Sacraments?
Contact Jeri Prokop at


First Holy Communion

2025 Schedule for First Communion Prep!