
Marriage Preparation

Prior to receiving any sacrament in the Catholic faith there are classes to prepare the recipients for the reception of the Sacrament.

If you are getting married, please contact Reverend James Boric, Administrator by Email or call Rob at extension 3136 at least six months prior to your wedding date.

There are several ways to spiritually prepare for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony:

  • Pre-Cana is a set of classes for engaged couples. Couples must meet with the priest who will perform the ceremony before attending pre-Cana classes. Registration is handled through the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Visit for complete information.
  • Weekend Encounter for the Engaged – all preparation sessions are included in this weekend retreat. See above link for more information.
  • Sponsor Couples – a married couple will mentor an engaged couple during your preparation.

Contact Rob Rock at the Parish office (301-739-0390) with any questions.